Companions & Homemakers solely provides non-medical care.

Companions & Homemakers solely provides non-medical care

Companions & Homemakers solely provides non-medical care

Hospital to Home

Tackling Hospital-To-Home Conversations with Your Elder Loved One

2023-10-05T17:29:43+00:00September 4, 2023|Senior Care Advice|

Do you have a loved one who will soon be needing in-home care, especially after major surgery? Then you will soon know the feeling of having your routines disrupted almost beyond recognition. Often, the most difficult part of this is having to discuss, with the household's newest member, how things will be run. This seemingly arduous task can be made easier by what you do and say in the time leading up to the introduction of your loved one into the household.

Discharge Planning: Your Hospital-to-Home Checklist

2023-10-05T17:30:49+00:00August 28, 2023|Senior Care Advice|

A hospital stay can be a trying and stressful time for even the most patient and otherwise healthy of people, and this is doubly true for older adults who have become well-accustomed to living alone at home and who have established preferences and routines that are disrupted by staying in the hospital.

Hospital to Home – Making the Transition to Home Care

2023-10-06T13:27:09+00:00April 24, 2023|Process of Aging, Senior Care Advice|

Everyone says, “Home is where the heart is.” But we know that home is also where your comfort zone resides. After a long hospital stay or surgery, helping you return to your home and your daily routine is the next step. After leaving a medical facility, you will feel vulnerable. Your recovery has not ended simply because you are home. Before leaving the hospital, discuss your home care with your doctor or nurse.

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