Companions & Homemakers solely provides non-medical care.

Companions & Homemakers solely provides non-medical care

Companions & Homemakers solely provides non-medical care



Together, we can enhance your loved one’s safety, health, and well-being, while providing peace of mind to you and your family.

Art Therapy for Seniors with Dementia – Ideas for Caregivers

Looking after a loved one with dementia can be challenging. Finding the right form of care management often feels like a daunting task due to the amount of physical and emotional support your senior relative may need. Luckily, there are many options for families and their loved ones. Finding care that’s exactly the right fit for your circumstances is feasible with a little research.

By |March 13, 2023|Categories: Alzheimer's & Dementia|Tags: , |

What if I Suspect My Mother Has Dementia?

Mom’s forgetfulness has now reached the point you suspect she has dementia. What should you do? When you’re dealing with aging in a place loved ones may have dementia, providing them with the care they need can be challenging. But doing so is possible when you use this approach.

5 Tips for Managing a Senior’s Care from Long-Distance

How can you best manage a senior’s care from a long long-distance? Here are five tips to help you manage your loved one’s care when you live too far away.

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