Companions & Homemakers solely provides non-medical care.

Companions & Homemakers solely provides non-medical care

Companions & Homemakers solely provides non-medical care

Home Care

How Home Care Improves Physical, Emotional and Social Health

2023-10-05T17:46:26+00:00May 22, 2023|Home Care|

When it comes to looking after your elderly loved ones, you want to do what’s best for them. If your elderly parents or relatives are struggling to live independently in their home and need some extra support, there are various care options you can consider to make their lives a little more comfortable.

Considering 24 Hour Elderly Home Care? Equipment and Furniture You Need

2023-10-05T17:55:16+00:00April 17, 2023|Home Care, Senior Care Advice|

Most people become caregivers to their aging parents and are willing to take on the responsibility of care. However, they often need help to validate that they are doing the best job possible for their loved ones.

What Can You Expect from 24 Hour Home Care?

2023-10-06T13:30:22+00:00April 3, 2023|Home Care|

We all want to stay at home for as long as possible. Being in our own place keeps us feeling secure and safe, and provides reminders of happy times like children growing up, long marriages and festive parties. Some older folks can remain in their homes, provided they have people to provide home care around the clock. While expensive, it may still be more cost-effective than placement in a long-term care facility.

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