Companions & Homemakers solely provides non-medical care.

Companions & Homemakers solely provides non-medical care

Companions & Homemakers solely provides non-medical care

Companions & Homemakers

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So far Companions & Homemakers has created 57 blog entries.

Caregiving Tips for Dealing with Feisty Patients

2023-10-05T17:42:08+00:00June 26, 2023|Alzheimer's & Dementia, Senior Care Advice|

‍One of the challenges of caring for those with dementia or declining mental faculties is the risk of physical assault from the patient. These attacks can often occur unprovoked and can take the caregiver completely by surprise. When faced with this possibility, caregivers can take precautions to protect themselves, but also to protect the health and future care of the patient themselves.

What are the Stages of Dementia?

2023-10-05T17:42:57+00:00June 19, 2023|Alzheimer's & Dementia|

Medical professionals in the United States have defined dementia as a condition with seven distinct stages, ranging from a state of non-impairment to a very severe cognitive decline.  Recognizing and identifying the stage and level of dementia care required for an individual is in can be complicated, as the symptoms of dementia are only relevant when compared to a person's "normal" mental state. The seven stages of dementia are:

What Experts Are Saying About Music Therapy for Dementia and Alzheimer’s Patients

2023-10-05T17:44:01+00:00June 12, 2023|Alzheimer's & Dementia|

Music therapy is not a new phenomenon; in fact, it has been around since the time of the ancient Greeks. The idea of using music as part of the healing process was not recognized as a profession until after the World Wars. Musicians performed for the veterans dealing with trauma from their war injuries. Due to the veterans’ positive response, Veterans Administration Hospitals decided to hire musicians to perform regularly.

Holiday Gift Guide for Your Aging Parent

2023-10-05T17:45:30+00:00May 29, 2023|Aging in Place as a Family|

Older adults may require special considerations when it comes to the selection of holiday gifts. While many have the exacting tastes they have accumulated over a lifetime, advancing age may mean they are unable to engage in previously enjoyed hobbies. Still, others will have found new interests and preferences. This holiday gift guide will help you locate a well-appreciated gift for even the most discerning of parents!

How Home Care Improves Physical, Emotional and Social Health

2023-10-05T17:46:26+00:00May 22, 2023|Home Care|

When it comes to looking after your elderly loved ones, you want to do what’s best for them. If your elderly parents or relatives are struggling to live independently in their home and need some extra support, there are various care options you can consider to make their lives a little more comfortable.

Hosting Elderly Relatives: Thanksgiving Planning Tips

2023-10-06T13:39:23+00:00May 15, 2023|Senior Care Advice|

Family gatherings and reunions serve as an excellent way to reunite the family. Planning gatherings such as these can be very stressful, especially if you have family members who are elderly you must attend to, as well as cooking, contacting everyone and rounding up the kids.

Hospital to Home – Making the Transition to Home Care

2023-10-06T13:27:09+00:00April 24, 2023|Process of Aging, Senior Care Advice|

Everyone says, “Home is where the heart is.” But we know that home is also where your comfort zone resides. After a long hospital stay or surgery, helping you return to your home and your daily routine is the next step. After leaving a medical facility, you will feel vulnerable. Your recovery has not ended simply because you are home. Before leaving the hospital, discuss your home care with your doctor or nurse.

Considering 24 Hour Elderly Home Care? Equipment and Furniture You Need

2023-10-05T17:55:16+00:00April 17, 2023|Home Care, Senior Care Advice|

Most people become caregivers to their aging parents and are willing to take on the responsibility of care. However, they often need help to validate that they are doing the best job possible for their loved ones.

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